Friday, January 25, 2008

Dissertation discussions at Dunwoody

The History and Politics Club of Dunwoody invite you to presentations by historians Heather Lucas and Will Simson on Thursday, January 31 at 3:30 PM in B 2310 (Dunwoody).

Professor Lucas will speak on "Eastern Secrets, American Markets: Oriental Products in the 1920s" and Professor Simson will speak on "Maintaining an Industrial Peace in the Old Red Scar: Working and Living in the East Tennessee Copper Basin, 1914-1945." Hope to see you there.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Conference on the Americas


(An Interdisciplinary and Inter-cultural Conference)

February 8-9, 2008

Atlanta, Georgia

Sponsored by the

The Americas Council and the

Office of International Education for the University System of Georgia


The Americas Council provides an annual conference for presenters and participants to explore critical socio-cultural, political, economic, global, regional and national issues including the challenges and opportunities facing Latin America, the Caribbean and Canada. Proposals for individual papers and panels on specific topics are now being requested.

While the focus of this conference is primarily for university/college faculty members, the Americas Council also encourages secondary school faculty along with graduate and undergraduate students to participate. The conference typically includes at least two graduate and two undergraduate panels.

Schedule of events for Saturday 9 Februar include:

Keynote Address: Dr. Howard J. Wiarda, Dean Rusk Professor of International Relations and Founding Head of the Department of International Affairs at the University of Georgia. His topic will “Is Latin America Going to the Left? Or is Something Else Going On?” There will be a special musical performance by David Marcus, Latin American musician and historian.

Students are also welcome to attend the paper presentations held throughout the day.

For more information contact Professor Ernie Guyton,
or Professor Luise Strange de Soria

"Primary Colors"at Dunwoody

The History and Politics Club of Dunwoody will view the timely political satire "Primary Colors" on Wednesday, January 30, at 2PM in C 1100/Dunwoody campus. Hope to see you there.