Monday, September 10, 2007

Historical Census Browser

Now available in Historia (American History-general sources):

The Historical Census Browser

Maintained online by the University of Virginia Library this excellent source will allow you to:

Examine state and county topics for individual census years 1790-1960.
  • examine multiple topics within a census year
  • produce tables of data by state or county
  • sort data by selected categories
  • create ratios between any two data categories
Examine state and county topics over time.
  • examine a topic across multiple census years
  • produce tables of data by state or county
  • review: general population, education and literacy, the economy, manufacturing and employment, demographics of race and birth, agricultural information, and investigate the slave population

Ancient and Medieval History Online

Important Galileo database--subscription provided by Georgia Perimeter College:

Ancient and Medieval History Online by Facts on File:

  • biographies
  • events and topics
  • primary sources
  • timelines
  • maps and charts
AMHO Provides thousands of entries covering prehistory through the 1500s in ancient Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, ancient and medieval Africa, medieval Europe, the Americas, and ancient and medieval Asia.

Editors at Facts on File have created unique Learning Centers to help students and researchers find new ways to explore the vast amont of content in their databases.

To get to the site:
  1. Go to
  2. Quick links--from the page header
  3. Libraries--select one
  4. Go to Galileo
  5. Databases A to Z
  6. scroll down to Ancient and Medieval History Online

Thursday, September 6, 2007

History and Politics Club--Dunwoody

Important dates for the History and Politics Club Dunwoody:

Wed. Sept. 12; 2 PM; E 0330; History and Politics Club meeting

Thur. Sept. 13; 3:30 PM; C 1100; Viewing of film "300"

Tues. Sept. 18; 11 AM; C 1100; CONSTITUTION DAY
--speaker, Fulton County Deputy District Attorney Todd Ashley: "Indictment: A Real Constitutional Right?"; refreshments to follow

Wed. Sept. 26; 2PM; E 0330; History and Politics Club meeting.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

History and Politics Club - film reminder

The History and Politics Club of Dunwoody invites students and the public generally to view Jesus Camp,

September 11, 2:00, Room C-1100.

Topics discussed: the role of politics in religion and religion in politics.

World History address--GSU

Georgia State University's Program in World History and Cultures is pleased to announce that

, Professor of History at San Diego State University,

--will present its Distinguished World History Lecture for 2007-2008 on the afternoon of Thursday, November 1, 2007.

As usual, SEWHA members and others are invited to attend.